This is a work in progress...

Connecting a Puppet Master and Agent


sudo apt-get install puppetmaster

How to Execute Puppet Scripts

sudo puppet apply "puppet script"

Updating Ubuntu

exec { 'apt-update': # exec resource named 'apt-update'
command => '/usr/bin/apt-get update' # command this resource will run

Installing Apache2

package { 'apache2':
require => Exec['apt-update'], # require 'apt-update' before installing
ensure => installed,

Ensuring Apache2 is running

service { 'apache2':
ensure => running,

Creating a Group and Assigning a GID

group { 'serveradmin':
ensure => 'present',
gid => '3000',

Creating a User

user { 'serveradmin':
ensure => 'present',
managehome => 'true',
home => '/home/serveradmin',
comment => 'Server Admin',
groups => 'serveradmin',
password => 'serveradmin',
password_max_age => '99999',
password_min_age => '0',
shell => '/bin/bash',
uid => '3000',

Installing a Database

# install postgresql package
package { 'postgresql':
require => Exec['apt-update'], # require 'apt-update' before installing
ensure => installed,

# ensure postgresql service is running
service { 'postgresql':
ensure => running,

Creating a Database Instance

class { 'postgresql::server': }

postgresql::server::db { 'testdb':
user => 'admin',
password => postgresql_password('admin', 'c00kies'),
owner => 'admin',

class mymodule::myclass{
file { 'my_bash_script':
ensure => 'file',
path => '/home/setupadmin/',
owner => 'setupadmin',
group => 'setupadmin',
mode => '0755', # Use 0700 if it is sensitive
notify => Exec['run_my_script'],
exec { 'run_my_script':
#path => ["/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin", "/bin/bash"],
command => '/home/setupadmin/',
refreshonly => true
include mymodule::myclass