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This is a method of installing and running Tomcat in a way that is portable and part of the BonsaiFramework 0FS approach. Tar (zip) up the directory and move your entire application server or duplicate it with a copy command.


Also this also sets your application to moving towards cloud containor implementations like LXC or Docker.

The key concept here is that we setup Tomcat and Java as an isolated package. There is no install. As long as you have matching serveradmin GUID's across systems you may transport your package with tar.


Code Block
cd /opt/
sudo tar -czvf 0fs-tomcat.tar.gz ./0fs-tomcat/ # Don't change the parameter orders. 

Notice the use of sudo to run the tar command. This ensures that proper ownership and permissions will carry over to the new system.

Before unpacking to the target system, ensure the users, groups and GUID match following the Bonsai Standards.

References - still to finish reading
