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The key to taking this path is asking yourself why and what parts of the cloud to take advantage of. At this revision of this article, I'm doing a brain dump and then going to boil ti it down.

AdvantageCategoryPrimary DriverCommentDevil's Advocate View
Remove Hardware DependenciesCost

Can Expand and ContractIntegrity

Infrastructure as a ServiceConsistency

CheaperCostI'm not quite convinced this is true.People costs don't go down but go up. Developers are not operators. It is my opinion you can't just have DevOps people but also need OpsDev folks.


QuestionWhy Do You Care?What Do You Lose?What Can you Do?
Can you achieve consistency across environments IST, UAT and Production?

Can the design be zero footprint?

Are the applications clone-able without impact?

Do you have a single chocking point? For example, the application relies on 1 giant legacy database or some host systems?So what if your web applications can scale during busy periods. You still choke at your database. And scaling may actually reduce performance with too many connections to the database.
