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Code Block
su - setup.admin # account I use for administration
sudo dscl . merge /Groups/_developer GroupMembership tin.pham # merge first checks if you are already have the group versus append
groups # result of this command should now show _developer

Loaded playground but it did not load any other windows.

Rebooted Mac OS X and still same thing.

Went through this video tutorial which kinda worked except for the rectangle draw line.

Also found this tutorial.

and at first was confused. You should see just this one window. The noted red box shows the output of the code and dynamically updates as you make change,

Image Added

Went through the first tutorial. Honestly, this was just syntax. Below is what I found interesting in the language that is outside of what I see Java providing,


What I was more interested in was a tutorial of developing an actual MAC OS X application.