Removing Bags from Under Eyes
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Remove Skin Blemishes
Removing Red Splotches from Skin
Backup on NAS "Red Skin (720 HD).mp4".
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Skin Smoothing
Quickly lighten wrinkles,
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Backup on NAS, "Skin Smoothing and Cleanup CS5 (720 HD).mp4".
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Enhance Eyebrows
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Removing People from Shots Using Multiple Shots
Removing Hot Spots
Here the the technique I find has the best control. It is slightly modified from this video.
Backup on NAS "Shine Hotspots on Skin (720 HD).mp4"
- Create a new layer and change mode to Darken and set opacity to ~72%
- Zoom in
- Use clone tool selecting a good area and draw on with the following clone tool settings,
Select a brush with a soft edge effect
Set mode to normal
Opacity to 50%
Flow default of 100% is good
- Current and below (for the layer selection)
- Trick is to use as big a brush as possible to fill the white area
- Don't need to be too accurate as this is layer
- Finally copy merged to create a new layer and apply any additional effects
This is the gaussion blur technique and generally works well too.
- Duplicate layer
- Filter Blur, Guassian Blur,
- Turn up radius until shiny spots disappear usually 9
- Filter, Add Noise
- Amount between 2 and 3
- Guassian
- Select Eraser,
- Turn hardness down to 0
- Adjust brush size as needed
- Erase top layer where the glare exists
Here is a mask based tutorial which I have yet to try.
Masking Key Shortcuts
ALT and Click Mask - Toggle Show Mask Only
ALT-SHIFT Click Mask - Toggle Show Mask with Image in Pink Overlay
Straighten an Image
How to straighten an image -
Predone Actions,
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